Day 10

we all worked from home today woooohoooo 😀

I swear I was productive. I didn’t get up from my seat until past 1pm. 1 weekend left for this project !! Almost at the finish line! WAAAAA


Lozzie’s special note: So Macca’s has 24nuggets for $9.95 starting today. Guess what lunch is gonna be today til Valentine’s

Day 9


Was a cool cloudy day. Friends built a ghetto slip and slide, I survived with some scratches. #worth

I couldn’t really put work aside today. I was constantly checking on content feeding through, Diamond’s texts and emails in case something was wrong or a piece of information was missing. It’s weird having a holiday when a campaign is live.


Day 7

It was an oven out there today. Hot air and hot wind. Ugh.

aslfjhasjkd was wondering why I hadn’t heard back on a short moderation thread with 2 responses all day and realised it was sent to you by mistake. kms.

Started weekly deck today, a Tuesday! Can you believe that? Well Thursday’s Straya day and the entire team is planning to take Friday off or work from home. I don’t really want to be the only one turning up. Looks like we’re going to prep the weekly tomorrow and drop in new figures Friday morning and circulate a deck. Ez.

We had a coordinated team exit at 5.30pm again. Woohoo!

Lozzie’s special note: Our creative dynamic duo will be no more as of Friday. We had a farewell lunch for the Beard who is returning home to Perth to rejoin the company he interned at. I’m not sure how to feel because this time its actually someone I work with a substantial amount leaving. Then again I didn’t feel a great sense of loss after T-bomb left. Hmm.. keen to work with new creatives too ^-^

Day 5 – 6

Disclaimer: My draft lives! Strange that it was saved on work laptop’s browser window but not on my personal? Ummm..?

From my lack of update on Day 5, you can infer that I was too mentally drained to even complain about the day.

Day 5 wasn’t actually so bad, after all it’s Friday! Even if its the worse day of my life, it’s still Friyay!

I spent pretty much the entire day debating whether or not to go out because I’m young! or go home and crash. I decided on the latter because I’m lame and also because my anniversary is coming up in Feb and I want to save $$ and also because there are 2 slightly ridiculous birthday events in March and April that will burn a respectable hole in my pocket. BUT IT WILL BE WORTH IT. So I’m happy to sacrifice a couple or more weekends for 2 will-be-super-memorable birthdays (neither are mine).

Day 6

Today’s moderation thread was almost 20 enquiries long! It was 16 when I sent it because I left out Instagram requests. It’s becoming a nightmare. Help.

Wait sorry I lied, I just got the timesheet notification and Day 5, Friday was actually spent revising the weekly deck… let’s not talk about that further.

The day went by rather smoothly, many approvals needed approved, many queries answered. The remaining team (there were only 3 of us including me, everyone’s gone to Melbourne) were all out by 5.30pm!

Lozzie’s special note: Found a new, well not new, but new Japanese place today, outdoors but super cozy. Will bring you there when you’re not sick of Jap food! <3

Day 4

Feeling absolutely knackered this evening. The day seemed to drag on forever but at the same time fly by. I lost all track of time and only remembered lunch at 2pm. Even then I didn’t leave my desk and gave up eating to finish my work. The Dutch commented that I space out often and stop listening to him halfway. Which is true. But only because I have so much I need to keep track of.. I really don’t mean to. Maybe also because of Wednesday night tennis, I’m physically tired too.

AB got a call and picked up going “Oh hey Loz” and I jumped up thinking it was you Lozzie, but it wasn’t. My feelings were a mixture of “Lozzie called AB! But hasn’t texted me at all, no activity on social media, nothing” But those thoughts quickly vanished as coincidentally you sent me a text! And a photo! And a cat photo!

*dies inside*

You think Pepper has separation anxiety? I HAVE SEPARATION ANXIETY.

What else what else..

The “Engine” might very well have a new name by the time you’re back 🙂 I’m so happy that it’s finally moving along!

A window smashed today. Not sure how. Apparently it’s not the first.

The merchandise arrived today (the unsigned one), but they left out 16x of one item. Sadness.

Today is Thursday, and every Thursday we do the weekly. It seems like the weekly is no longer my guilty pleasure. I found it incredibly stressful to organize and complete in time, even though it was moderately sized and I started in the morning.

The Dutch said “Thanks, I know I only give you shit, but it’s good.”

And that’s about it.

Lozzie’s special note: Today’s moderation, which I only got round to doing around noon, had 11 responses. 11 ! I CC’d it to you just because !